Avogadro2 0.7.1

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Avogadro 2 0.7.1 was released on December 11, 2013.

What's New

Avogadro 2 is a rewrite of Avogadro, and still lacks features present in Avogadro 1. Both packages can be installed on the same system, and so it is possible to try the latest without losing access to the previous version. We will be making occasional releases of Avogadro 1.x too, along with migrating functionality to Avogadro 2. We value your feedback, and hope that you will find the improvements made in version 2 useful.

This release is the third in the series of the Avogadro 2 rewrite. The following list includes some of the highlights, with previous blog posts for 0.5.0, 0.6.0, and 0.7.0 releases. You can also view the Open Chemistry posts to see the latest activity in the larger Open Chemistry project.


  • Improved checking for required OpenGL version

Commands / Extensions

  • Fixed a crash on Windows when submitting jobs to MoleQueue

Known Issues

Some issues regarding Python paths for input generators, and MoleQueue submission of jobs were discovered after release. These will be addressed in the next release, please submit bugs to our tracker.