MoleQueue JSON-RPC Specification
JSON-RPC specification
This is the proposed communication protocol, it is neither final nor implemented!
The JSON-RPC 2.0 specification is here. In a nutshell, the protocol consists of three message types: requests, responses, and notifications. Every request must be met with a reply, and a notification is simply a request object without the id member.
Requests are JSON objects with three name/value pairs:
- method (String): The method requested.
- params (Array or Object): A parameters for the requested method.
- id (Value): A unique identifier.
Each request is met with a reply of the following format:
- result (Object, Array, or Value): The result of the request. Must not exist if there was an error.
- error (Error Object): A description of the error. Must not exist if no error occurred.
- id (Value): Must be the same as the identifier used in the request.
The Error object must contain an integer error code ("code") and a descriptive error string ("message"). An optional "data" object may provide more detailed information.
As mentioned above, notifications follow the same format as requests, but will omit the id name/value pair.
Click for details about the MoleQueue JSON-RPC Implementation.
Supported Messages
The following sections detail the requests, responses, and notifications that MoleQueue recognizes:
List of available Queues/Programs
To obtain a list of the available Queues and the programs supported by them, submit a request for the method "listQueues" with no parameters. MoleQueue will reply with an object containing a dictionary with user-set names identifying each queue, along with an array of the programs supported by each queue.
Client request:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "listQueues",
"id": "XXX"
Server response:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"Big cluster SGE" : {
"programs" : [ "GAMESS",
"Remote cluster PBS" : {
"programs" : [ "GAMESS",
"Local" : {
"programs" : [ "GAMESS",
"id": "XXX"
Request new job submission
Client request:
Two supported forms:
- Input file provided as a single string
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "submitJob",
"params": {
"queue": "Remote cluster PBS",
"program": "MOPAC",
"description": "PM6 H2 optimization",
"inputAsString": "PM6\n\nH 0.0 0.0 0.0\nH 1.0 0.0 0.0\n"
"id": "XXX"
- Input file provided as a path
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "submitJob",
"params": {
"queue": "Remote cluster PBS",
"program": "MOPAC",
"description": "PM6 H2 optimization",
"inputAsPath": "/path/to/local/input/file/named/h2.mop"
"id": "XXX"
Additional (optional) parameters may be used to tweak job behavior further. Default values are provided in parenthesis:
- cleanRemoteFiles: (false) If true, any remote working directories are deleted.
- retrieveOutput: (true) If true, output files are copied back into the local working directory.
- outputDirectory: (null) If not null, this must be a string specifying a path to place completed output files, instead of the local working directory.
- cleanLocalWorkingDirectory: (false) If true, the local temporary working directory will be removed on successful job completion.
- hideFromQueue: (false) If true, the job will not be displayed in the MoleQueue GUI by default (useful for automated batch jobs).
- popupOnStateChange: (true) If true, a notification popup will be displayed system tray when the job's state changes.
Server response:
- If successful, some identifiers are returned:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"moleQueueJobId": 17,
"queueJobId": 123456,
"workingDirectory": "/tmp/MoleQueue/17/"
"id": "XXX"
moleQueueJobId is a identifier that is unique to this instance of MoleQueue, while queueJobId is unique to the queue (Either a DRMS job id or a local process id).
- If unsuccessful, an error is returned:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": 32,
"message": "Cannot write to local directory \"/tmp/MoleQueue/17/\". Permission denied.",
"id": "XXX"
Cancel submitted job
Client request:
Parameter is the MoleQueue id of the job to cancel:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "cancelJob",
"params": {"moleQueueJobId" : 17},
"id": "XXX"
Server response:
Result is the MoleQueue id of the cancel job:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": 17,
"id": "XXX"
Notification of job state change
When a job changes state, MoleQueue will send a notification to all active connections of the following form:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "jobStateChanged",
"params": {
"moleQueueJobId": 17,
"oldState": "RemoteQueued",
"newState": "Running"
Valid states are:
- None: Initial state of job, should never be entered.
- Accepted: Job has been received and is being prepared (Writing input files, etc).
- LocalQueued: Job is being queued locally, either waiting for local execution or remote submission.
- Submitted: Job has been submitted to a remote queuing system.
- RemoteQueued: Job is pending execution on a remote queuing system.
- Running: Job is running, either remotely or locally.
- Finished: Job has completed.